Amber Flag
St Angela’s College has been involved in the Pieta House Amber Flag Initiative since 2015, focusing on raising awareness of mental health in our community.
The Pieta Amber Flag initiative recognises the individual efforts of schools, companies and groups to create healthy and inclusive environments that support mental well-being. It unites these groups in their efforts to work together towards a happier, healthier Ireland and eradicates the stigma associated with mental health issues.
The Pieta Amber Flag initiative enables schools and youth groups across the country to raise awareness of the stigmas which exist in their environments, and the stressors on the mental and emotional wellbeing of those within them.
Students in St Angela’s involved in the initiative, report on the benefits they have received from being involved in this programme through the awareness raised and skills developed by the individuals such as team building, organisational skills, communication skills, presentation skills and confidence building. They also report feeling like they have a safe space to discuss mental health issues.
The St Angela’s College Amber Flag Coordinator oversees this TY Elective.
A Committee of staff members also supports the work of the coordinator raising awareness and creating an environment within the school community of openness and awareness in relation to mental health issues.
Yearly Initiatives in St Angela’s for Pieta Amber Flag include;
- Amber day – fundraiser where all staff and students wear orange clothing to raise awareness of mental health issues.
- Silent Disco
- Poster campaigns
- Mask making competition
- Clay and modeling pottery class for staff
- Pieta House Darkness into Light walk
View the Flashmob video at: