Role of the Class Teacher
Each class group is under the care and guidance of a Class Teacher who is in regular contact with the class group and looks after the individual needs and welfare of the students in their class group on a daily basis.
The Class Teacher, because of their special relationship with their class group, is often the first to identify and help individual students in trouble, or to notice a pattern of worrying behaviour in a year group. Therefore, they are a vital link in the pastoral care/support network in the school.
The Subject Teacher and Class Teacher play a very important role in the well-being of all our students through their day-to-day contact and caring interaction with their students.
Any general issues, behavioural or otherwise, should be referred to the class teacher in the first instance and from there to the appropriate point of contact: Guidance Counsellor, Learning Support, Learning Monitor and/or Management.
Duties class teachers undertake include administrative, supportive and cooperative tasks including but not limited to;
- Enforcing and encouraging adherence to the Code of Behaviour.
- Arranging election of student council representatives for each class group.
- Positively reinforcing good behaviour.
- Allowing time for students to voice queries, concerns or complaints.
- Fostering a team spirit in the class/year group through group activities, charity fundraising, environmental awareness.
- Communicating with staff as a whole to alert teachers to students in difficulty, or to listen to concerns of teachers.
- Reporting serious concerns to the Designated Liaison Person (DLP).
- Referring students, when appropriate to Learning Support or to the Guidance Department using the appropriate forms and with appropriate records where necessary.
- Referring students to the Deputy Principal for serious disciplinary breaches.
- Regular (monthly) meetings between the Class Teacher, Learning Monitor, Guidance Counsellor, Learning Support Teacher and a representative from Senior Management to identify, monitor, and where necessary, refer students in difficulty.
- Acting as a first point of contact with parents.
- Holding regular assemblies with either their class group or the entire year group.
- In conjunction with management, organising events/trips/charity fund-raising with their class/year group to foster a sense of community and school spirit.