1st Year Induction Programme
The transition from primary to secondary school can be difficult for new First Year students. With this in mind, St Angela’s College provides a special induction programme for incoming students, which takes place over two mornings from 8.50 until 12.30 on the first two days of the new school year.
During this induction programme, new students, guided by the Meitheal Team will meet their new classmates and teachers, learn about the school and become familiar with the layout, get to know their class teacher and learn about school ethos, rules and responsibilities. They will learn where to go if they need help and engage in fun-filled activities such as team building and orienteering. The aim of these activities is to begin to settle the students into their new school and foster school spirit through a structured, supported and dynamic experience.
The focus is on friendship formation, becoming part of a new school community and the general orientation challenges of coping with the new timetable, new subjects, new teachers and the layout of a new school.
The programme is coordinated by an Assistant Principal who is supported in his/her work by the three First Year class teachers, members of the Student Council and the Meitheal Team.
The First Years continue to be the focus of attention of the management team and school staff as they settle in over the following weeks and parents are sent an interim progress report at mid-term.