It is generally accepted that the Cork Ursuline Past Pupils’ Union was founded in 1919. Certainly in that year a reunion of past pupils of Ursuline Convent, Blackrock, took place on the Feast of St. Angela in their Alma Mater.
On the 9th of November 1919, the St. Angela’s Past Pupils’ Association was formally inaugurated at a meeting at St. Angela’s College, convened by Rev. Mother, Blackrock. Professor Mary Ryan (of U.C.C.), the first pupil to enter St. Angela’s college when it opened in 1887, was elected first President of the Association. Hers is the first name which appears on the Presidential chain of office.
It appears that two past pupils’ organisations operated in tandem for many years. These amalgamated around 1940 to form the Cork Ursuline Past Pupils’ Union, representing the past pupils of both schools.
The aims of the Union are twofold:
(1) “To give the members the pleasure of meeting old school friends and other past pupils”
(2) “To keep in touch with Convents and schools” (Constitution of the Union)
The Union holds an Annual Reunion and Annual General Meeting at which a President, Vice President and Committee are elected. It maintains a Benevolent Fund to assist past pupils in need. It hosts an Annual Christmas Lunch and an Annual Golf Day for its members. It publishes an Annual Newsletter, which is sent to all paid up members. It organises the Annual Debutantes’ Ball for the pupils of St. Angela’s College and sponsors various activities for both schools, sporting and cultural.
Membership of the Union is open to all Ursuline past pupils, present and past teachers of our schools and members of the Ursuline Order. Rev. Mother at Blackrock, who administers the Benevolent Fund in confidence, and the Principal at St. Angela’s College are ex officio Vice Presidents of the Union. The major part of the membership fee of €20 goes to the Benevolent Fund. Past pupils on leaving school are given free membership for the first year. New members are always welcome. The Union facilitates Class Re-Union groups from both Ursuline Convent, Blackrock and from St. Angela’s College, who wish to attend either the Annual Re-Union or the Christmas Lunch, where a dedicated table is available for class groups.
Contact us on email and follow us on Facebook at Cork Ursuline Past Pupils’ Union for details of upcoming events.