Well done to the Minor A hockey team!
Well done to the Minor A hockey team who topped their group in the league after a draw with Ursulines Thurles on Friday 2-2!
Well done to the Minor A hockey team who topped their group in the league after a draw with Ursulines Thurles on Friday 2-2!
Please be aware that Students can now pre order their lunches every morning prior to School Start for collection at main lunch time. This is to help speed up the lunch ordering process and alleviate queues at lunchtime.
Please note that the School Office is closed daily from 1.15 to 1.45. Students who wish to sign out at lunchtime, must come to the office between 1.10 and 1.15 or prior.
To facilitate the administration of the office, we would strongly encourage Parents to advise the School prior to 10.30 am daily, if your Daughter is going to be absent, leaving early or arriving late.
Please have a look at our enticing menu for tomorrow Monday 09th March and Tuesday 10th March. We would encourage all to support our canteen to continue this service for our Students.