Visit from Seán Ó Sé

We were delighted to welcome traditional Irish singing legend, Seán O Sé to school last Friday. Seán’s granddaughter, Méabh O Sé is in third year. Her grandad is often discussed in music class and encouraged by her classmates, Méabh invited him to come and perform for all the music classes in the school. Seán’s ‘joie…


International Women’s Day in St Angela’s College 2022

Today we celebrated International Women’s Day! Speeches, assemblies, poster collages, stickers with the names of inspirational women, inspirational quote posters, Wonder Woman Workout for Women’s Aid, music by female artists, quizzes, TED talks, movies, chocolate treats, Kahoot, a remembrance candle for women who have suffered violence and discrimination, a whole school address by the Head…


LEO Student Enterprise Competition

St Angela’s College had four Second Year teams and one TY Mini-Company “SACs n Stationery” compete in the Regional Finals of the LEO Student Enterprise Competition in Devere Hall in UCC on Tues 15 March 2022. The 2nd Year Businesses ranged from ‘Cute Planet’ a sustainable shower head, ‘Fidget Bear’ supporting children with sensory needs,…
