Anti-Bullying Team – ‘Respect for All’
St Angela’s College believes that teaching and learning should take place in a safe and caring environment, free from fear and intimidation. Bullying behaviour will not be tolerated.
Each pupil has a right to:
- Learn in safety and dignity
- Be free of insult or derogatory remarks
- Be free to make friends
- Be confident in the safety of her possessions
Each teacher has a right to;
- Be treated with courtesy and respect
- Teach in an atmosphere free of interruptions and distractions
Students must not:
- Use any form of violence against each other
- Put pressure on anybody to do something they may not wish to do
- Isolate, exclude or deliberately ignore other pupils
- Name call or slag
- Make abusive phone calls or send abusive messages
- Write insulting remarks or comments on boards or websites, or send same by text or e-mail
- Pass insulting notes or drawings about others
- Damage or interfere with personal property
- Engage in any form of harassment or intimidation
Any incidence of bullying behaviour should be reported immediately to any member of the anti-bullying team or to a trusted adult. Pupils who report bullying behaviour are not telling tales – they are behaving responsibly.
In St Angela’s College we have an active and comprehensive Anti-Bullying Team who work with students in a comprehensive manner. We operate a ‘No Blame Policy’ where mediation and dialogue are central.
Each year the Anti-bullying Team speaks with all year groups to remind them of the procedures in the school and answer any questions they may have. Teachers are available throughout the school year to work with students to resolve any issues they may encounter in a confidential and supportive manner.
Steps in St Angela’s College Anti-bullying Policy;
Step 1; Recognise
- If you feel that you, or another member of the school community has been the target of bullying behaviour, you should report it at the earliest possible opportunity.
- This is not ‘ratting or squealing’… this is the way to make the school a safer and happier environment for everyone.
Step 2; Report
- You may approach any of the teachers on the anti-bullying team, and ask to make a report
- The teachers who are on the anti-bullying team are listed on posters in each classroom
- The teacher will ask you to give details of the behavior
- This is a confidential process
What then?
- The Anti-Bullying Team will then interview (also confidentially) any witness to the bullying behavior, in order to make sure that bullying behavior has occurred.
- If the team is satisfied that bullying behavior has occurred they will meet with the student or students who have been engaging in bullying behavior.
- They will make it clear that their behavior is causing another student distress and that it is
- It will be assumed that it is a ‘one-off’ mistake and that the behavior, once identified will not happen again
- The student will be asked to sign and honor a solemn promise to stop the bullying behavior and to treat all students fairly, equally and with respect.
- If this is the first incident it will not be reported to Parents or to the Principal or the Vice Principal. So in reporting the behavior, the student will not be getting anybody ‘in trouble’. ‘No Blame’.
What happens if the bullying behaviour happens again?
- In the first instance, there is a ‘no-blame’ policy, but a record will be kept of all reports.
- If a second incident occurs, after the student has signed their promise, then parents will be informed and requested to counter-sign their daughter’s promise. The student will also be required to do some school community service at this stage.
What if it happens more than twice?
- Breach of the second promise will be regarded as a very serious infringement.
- This could lead to either suspension, or expulsion depending on the seriousness of the behavior.
Please view our full Anti-bullying Policy here.
In our Policy Section on the website we have a comprehensive Acceptable Usage Policy (Online activity as well as use of ICT within the school) for your information. Students are made aware of this policy each year by their class teacher and it details guidelines for students on how they should interact with each other online.