School Day
07:30 A.M School doors open.
08.45 A.M Assembly begins for the relevant year groups
08:50 A.M First bell-students should collect books from their
lockers and proceed to first class.
08:55 A.M 1st class period begins. (All classes 40 mins.)
09:35 A.M 2nd class period
10:15 A.M 3rd class period
10:55 A.M Morning break (15 mins.) During the morning break students can go to their lockers and take books for the next three classes. There is also an opportunity to go to the toilets.
11:10 A.M 4th class period
11:50 A.M 5th class period
12:30 P.M 6th class period
01:10 P.M Lunch break – Snack and hot lunches available in school Canteen. During break students can go to their lockers and take books for the next three classes. There is also an opportunity to go to the toilets.
01:45 P.M First bell after lunch – students collect their books and go to class.
01:50 P.M 7th class period
02:30 P.M 8th class period
03.10 P.M 9th class period
The final bell sounds at 03.50 P.M.
Note: The above times relate to Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. The School has a half day on a Wednesday and as a result, the School finishes at 1.10pm.