Today as part of the Prize Day Ceremony, the names of next year’s twelve members of the 6th Student Council were announced. The transfer of leadership and responsibility was symbolised by the handing over of the badge of office from this year’s Student Council to the incoming group. Huge congratulations to all the newly elected students and a particular word of recognition to our new Head Girl, Elizabeth Murphy and Deputy Head Girl, Kate Manley. We are very proud of you all and very much looking forward to working with you in the coming year.
This year’s 6th Year Student Council earned their badges of office and positions of leadership this time last year. Amy Barry and Phoebe Twomey were everything we asked them to be as leaders in our student body this year. This group of 12 have been a remarkable group who have embodied school spirit, diligence, courtesy and respect all year. We are so very sad to see them go but their legacy will live on where they will continue ‘to shine like stars for all eternity’.