TY Recyclable Fashion Photography Project

A group of TY students took part in a ‘UPcycle Fashion Photography Project’ last week whereby they photographed images and drawings of fashion models wearing recyclable materials as garments. Students thoroughly enjoyed the creative process, and as you can see from the images, they also constructed some very innovative pieces.

1st Year Home Economics Creations

As part of their summer assessment, Ms Allen’s 1st year Home Economics Class were asked to make a dish or cake from scratch, in their kitchens at home, putting into practice what they learned in class all year. The standard was absolutely amazing, The dishes included main meals, a 3 course meal, birthday cakes and…


International Day of Families

To celebrate International Day of Families today we wish to share a positive message submitted by Emma Cullinane (4A). Thank you to the Transition Year students for coming together to create this inspiring message which we hope heartens the families of our school community.