2B SPHE Posters

As part of their Summer Assessment the students of 2B SPHE class were asked to design a poster aimed at sixth class students with rules and advice about sharing images and personal information online. Here are some of the wonderful posters which were created by the class.

Angelasisolation Blog

Mr McLoughlin would like to invite everyone to visit and read the blog that he set up for his English classes. It’s called https://angelasisolation.com/ The purpose of the blog is to give his English students an opportunity to voice their thoughts, opinions, reflections, fears, anxieties and observations on the current pandemic and how they are…


1C SPHE Bookmarks

As part of their Summer Assessment the students of 1C SPHE class have created bookmarks with helpful tips about ‘Moving Up’ and ‘Coping with Change’ when starting post-primary school. They have experienced first hand these big changes and successfully overcome these challenges and now want to give next years incoming 1st Year students their valuable…
