1C Litter Raps!

Ms. O’Leary’s amazing, ecological 1C class started worrying about the new school and keeping it clean. As we are all new to the school, we felt we had to help keep it clean. We know that cleaning is boring so we decided to make it fun by writing Raps using our own lyrics and other…


1C Online Wellbeing Posters

First years have been learning about online wellbeing. Ms O’ Rourke’s 1C class made posters to inform people about the importance of online wellbeing. Each poster has different information ranging from cyberbullying to reducing screen time. They are intended to help you learn how to improve your online wellbeing. 1C researched, created and designed these…


1C SPHE Bookmarks

As part of their Summer Assessment the students of 1C SPHE class have created bookmarks with helpful tips about ‘Moving Up’ and ‘Coping with Change’ when starting post-primary school. They have experienced first hand these big changes and successfully overcome these challenges and now want to give next years incoming 1st Year students their valuable…


1st & 6th Year Tea party

As per tradition, the first years invited the sixth years to a tea party on Friday 15th December. The first years served up some wonderful home baked buns and cakes. The sixth years were very enthusiastic guests and soon the buzz of conversation filled the canteen. It was lovely to see the friendly engagement between…
