TY Reading Revolution News.

Ireland Reads is a new campaign from Irish libraries, Children’s Books Ireland, NALA, booksellers, publishers and others to get the whole country reading this month in the lead up to Ireland Reads Day on Thursday, the 25th of February. The aim is to get everyone to pledge to ‘squeeze in a read’ on the 25th…


TY Recyclable Fashion Photography Project

A group of TY students took part in a ‘UPcycle Fashion Photography Project’ last week whereby they photographed images and drawings of fashion models wearing recyclable materials as garments. Students thoroughly enjoyed the creative process, and as you can see from the images, they also constructed some very innovative pieces.

TY Self Defence Class

Our TY students enjoyed a self defence class last week as a part of their P.E. module. The team at ‘Warrior Way’ taught the students some self defence techniques, and brought the students through some different martial arts movements. Lots of fun was had by all involved! Well done girls!