First Year Easter Egg Hunt

The 5th Year Meitheal team organised an Easter Egg Hunt for all 1st Year students on March 29th. The girls had great fun trying to find hidden ribbons around the Convent and the orchard in the glorious sunshine, in order to claim the chocolate prizes! The girls had great fun working in teams, and making…


First Year Football

Congratulations to our first year footballers who competed in the Cork LGFA Blitz which was held in Ballincollig GAA on Tuesday. Two teams represented St Angela’s College, and their determination and teamwork throughout the day was very commendable. They battled and fought for every score. Comhghairdeas to the green team who had an outstanding victory…


First Year Sleepover

On Friday, 30th of March 2012, the three First Year classes had a sleepover in the High School. The aim was to have fun together and also to fundraise for the school. Half of the money raised went to a past pupil to help set up an orphanage in Belarus. Some parents and sixth year…
