Junior Football Success

Well done to our Junior footballers who have secured a place in the Munster Semi final, after a convincing win against Loreto Fermoy last Friday in Mallow GAA complex. Comhghairdeas libh go léir https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/e/notoemoji/15.0/1f44f/72.png” alt=”72.png” />

1C Online Wellbeing Posters

First years have been learning about online wellbeing. Ms O’ Rourke’s 1C class made posters to inform people about the importance of online wellbeing. Each poster has different information ranging from cyberbullying to reducing screen time. They are intended to help you learn how to improve your online wellbeing. 1C researched, created and designed these…

TY Student Council International Women’s Day Collage

Our Senior and Junior Councils are planning a number of events to mark International Women’s Day on March 8th. And would love for our school community to get involved. The day marks a celebration of achievement, a raising of awareness against bias and encourages discussion around equality and equity internationally. The international theme this year…